No, man...
I don't want to sound like a dick, but this is a terrible game.
-For starters, the enemies move way too much for the aiming system to work.
-The camera is shit, and shakes too much whenever an enemy is killed, adding to the already far too chaotic gameplay.
-There's way too many enemies coming at once for me to be able to kill them all without getting fucked up.
-The boss battle on level one was confusing as shit and I couldn't even tell that I had beaten the level when I actually killed the mother fucker.
-And when I started off on level 2 the character immediately fell off the map...
It seems like you made this game with your focus on the effects and graphics rather than the gameplay itself.... which is shit.
I gave you a 3/10 for the graphics and effects but a 0/5 cuz this goddamn game just pisses me off.